Hi there!⌗
My name is Hans Jørgen Grimstad. I design and build stuff. This is my weblog.

If you need to get in touch with me, I guess that the safest bets are via Facebook or LinkedIn.
My local Hacker-/Makerspace is [Hackheim] (https://hackheim.no/#!om.md). If you are located in Trondheim and only even remotely interested in the maker scene or any form of technology, I highly recommend a visit. Friendly atmosphere and very skilled people. They also have a Slack channel and a Facebook page.

PS. You may have noticed that this site has changed somewhat since your last visit. If you are looking for content published between 2006 and 2019, I recommend that you give the Wayback Mahchine a spin. »> HERE «<. The reason behind this change is explained in the first #meta post.